Thursday morning tea
Thursday morning tea
The North Lounge is open to all who would like to join us for morning tea and a chat. Come to meet old friends and new. Drop in any time between 10-12am.
The North Lounge is open to all who would like to join us for morning tea and a chat. Come to meet old friends and new. Drop in any time between 10-12am.
Care & Share is a ladies' Bible Study group that meets on the first and third Wednesday afternoon of every month. Join us for a discussion and exploration of the week's lectionary readings using the With Love to the World Bible study notes (available for $10 per quarter), followed by a bite to eat and ... Read more
The North Lounge is open to all who would like to join us for morning tea and a chat. Come to meet old friends and new. Drop in any time between 10-12am.
Come and dig deeper into the Bible, thinking about how we think about it, and reflecting on how our life experiences shape the insights we gain when we read our Scriptures. The digging deeper group is not your traditional Bible study. Using the lectionary readings for the fourth Sunday of the month (usually) and a ... Read more
Craft while you wait is a new group for the children and families who are waiting waiting for Kumon tutoring (that happens in our hall). Come in and join us for some fun activities. All the craft is chosen so it can easily be packed and taken with when it is time to leave - ... Read more
The North Lounge is open to all who would like to join us for morning tea and a chat. Come to meet old friends and new. Drop in any time between 10-12am.
Care & Share is a ladies' Bible Study group that meets on the first and third Wednesday afternoon of every month. Join us for a discussion and exploration of the week's lectionary readings using the With Love to the World Bible study notes (available for $10 per quarter), followed by a bite to eat and ... Read more
The North Lounge is open to all who would like to join us for morning tea and a chat. Come to meet old friends and new. Drop in any time between 10-12am.
The property and finance committee meets regularly to give oversight of the St Aidan's properties and review all financial matters. If you have anything you wish to raise with this committee, please speak to a member.
Craft while you wait is a new group for the children and families who are waiting waiting for Kumon tutoring (that happens in our hall). Come in and join us for some fun activities. All the craft is chosen so it can easily be packed and taken with when it is time to leave - ... Read more
The North Lounge is open to all who would like to join us for morning tea and a chat. Come to meet old friends and new. Drop in any time between 10-12am.