26 Princess Road, Claremont WA 6010


I find technology very helpful… until it fails completely, which it did last Tuesday and resulted in no two-minute reflection for the week (sorry!).

It was one of those weeks. I started with a small problem… and the solution (via the lovely people giving tech support) created another problem or two, and that solution… you guessed it created another problem.

All of this meant that having spent the best part of the morning procrastinating on what to write for the sermon, I promptly lost the lot of it when my computer ate it all. Then there’s the touch of irony that my computer misbehaved as I was trying to upload a photo for this blog.

Isn’t that how life works far too frequently? Small things grow and grow in unpredictable ways. While I’m talking about really annoying things – like technology going wrong – it also happens with other things that often start small. I’m thinking of love, compassion, kindness. One small act of compassion can also grow in unpredictable ways, and like a computer virus, take over and change our lives too. Jesus talked about this idea and he called it the “kingdom of God.”