26 Princess Road, Claremont WA 6010

Having a chat

Remember making these as children?

I’ve since discovered that paper cups are just as effective and a much easier medium to make a string telephone. Of course, kids these days don’t quite understand the idea of having a phone that is tied to one spot, but anyway…

I’ve discovered these “telephones” are rather effective. It’s even possible to shove a microphone up the receiver and hear what is being said through the speakers in the church. This is the sort of thing that can let you hear through a noisy room, even if the length of string doesn’t make it too practical!

Two of today’s Bible readings are about people being called to ministry. In the Bible stories it seems like God comes down and taps them on the shoulder and they have a chat about it. This whole idea of having been called seems like it must have been much simpler in those days.

I think the descriptions in the Bible are lovely metaphor, but not meant to be taken literally. However, it does ask an important question: how do we know that we are called by God? If we don’t experience this sort of face-to-face chat, what is it that lets us know we are called in a particular direction?