Do you have a hobby? Recently I’ve been enjoying getting back into crocheting. I used to crochet quite a bit, but it left me with sore wrists and that meant I couldn’t do my other (more important) hobby, which is playing music. Well, the equipment for crocheting has changed a bit and now I have hooks that I can use and I’m busily making myself a new top for my concerts.
I find it really satisfying to make something. I start with raw materials and a pattern, then out of all of that comes something to wear. Complements about something I’ve made mean so much more than something I’ve bought in the shops. But I have a problem with this top that I’ve been making. I made it too small and I’ll have to give it away.

What is it like for you when you give away something you’ve made? I find it rather challenging unless I know the recipient will appreciate how much work went into it. Will the person value it as I do? Will the person know how many hours and hours of work are represented in this gift I am giving.
September is the Season of Creation, a time when we reflect on the gift God gave us in this world in which we live. What an act of love and grace that was to give a good world!
I wonder what it means for us today to truly appreciate the value of this gift we have been given. I wonder if there is anything we might do differently as a result.